
Holiday Photos Part 3 – With a sophisticated camera

This blog is the third of 3 videos by Michael Zelbel (See here) and gives some very useful tips on taking good images with a sophisticated camera.

Michael covers:
• working with ttl ‘through the lens metering’
• the difference between exposure compensation and flash exposure correction
• layered composition
• a composition for female subjects, CSL: Chin forward and then down, Shoulder forward and then Lean towards camera over the the shoulder
• use of ‘high speed synch’ flash

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Holiday Photos Part 2 – Small cameras

This blog is the second of 3 videos by Michael Zelbel (See here) and gives some very useful tips on taking good images using a small camera.

Michael covers:
• a ‘portable lighting kit’ with light stand and shoot-through umbrella
• use of ‘fill flash’ in an outside location
• some posing tips such getting the model to face the light source but curl her body away from the light
• use of a large aperture lens to blur the background
• use of a neutral density filter when there’s too much light

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Holiday Photos Part 1 – Smartphone

This blog is about the first of 3 videos by Michael Zelbel (See here) and gives some very useful tips on taking good images using a mobile (cell) phone.

Michael covers:
• why ‘filling the frame’ is a good idea
• why looking for an ‘s shape’ in the body works well
• how to use a portable reflector to balance the light across the model
• why focusing on the eyes (particularly the nearest eye) leads to more attractive photos
• how the stabilise the smart phone (by bracing your body, for example)

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